Tuesday, May 25, 2010

dont be such a Pheobe

Well Ive been thinking long and hard over these past couple of weeks and I think its finally time i put down the old bottle for a while. My health is rather on the down side and i do believe i have a stomach ulcer :(
Not meaning to say that my whole life is about drinking but its just nice going out and seeing everyone and catchin up all at the same time. Its just easier and i like to dance haha.
Been noticing these past couple of weekends that my drinking behaviour is absolutley shameful!!! Im seriously acting like a 16 year old kid on goon haha. Im slurring, I cant stand straight, suddenly breaking out into cold sweats and then loosing conciousness, throwing up, hang overs THE LOT! And the most HILARIOUS part of all this is....wait for it....this is only after 4 drinks, count em, FOUR drinks! I cant believe it alcohol is hitting me harder than Chris brown hit Rhianna (oh yeah, I went there).
Maybe its my bodies warning sign to say that I shouldnt be ruining my good lifestyle with booze (even though i rarely go out or drink that much for that matter) but everytime i do decide to have a little naughty time this happens. And seriously last weekend was my last straw passing out in the Enigma toilets lying in someone elses piss ISNT the way i wana end a night! It was terrible! And someone farted real bad in there as well and i had to smell that the whole time! haha.

And before you start swinging around your stories let me get one thing straight, I am NO WAY giving up alcohol forever and I am NOT straight edge (if you dont know what that is look it up) I am simply for the time being not drinking. Sure i might have one or two beers if the occasion calls for it but in the mean time no more heavy drinks. Im getting too sick from it and like i said before it is dearly affecting my health.
In a replacement of drinking i have decided to hold theme nights in my bedroom on saturday and friday nights ie: Taco & nacho night, pancake night, sushi night, snitzel pack nights and icecream night (what better way to replace alcohol than with food) and you are alllll welcome to watch movies and eat tacos with me. It would actually make me very happy if people did this with me because then i can show you all my new slippers tehehe.
Thanks for a-readin'


  1. Good choice on giving up the drink for a bit, hun! You can do it :)

  2. Wow... I am going through a very similar thing to what you talked about in this post... and I NEVER thought that would happen. I went out Friday and Saturday this weekend and on Sunday I was like "I coulda stayed home and watched TV and not wasted two good outfits" lol. I more or less and just sick of drinking to much, I'll have a few but its more a social thing now... Guess I'm gettin old haha. I love your idea of theme nights! I do a similar thing, but more like a TV marathon, I did a Trueblood night the other night and watched nearly a whole season.

  3. Ewwww trueblood!? hahaha. Oh man ill have simpsons episodes all weekend. I just stick to having like 2-4 drinks now and then stop. I just dont like getting drunk i get sso sick:( So glad someone else is going through it too, doesnt make me feel like Im the only one getting old and hangovery! hahaha.
